Video Marketing

Video Marketing

The meaning of video marketing isn’t complex. As a matter of fact, it is rather simple: using video for promoting or marketing your brand, service or product. A strong marketing campaign is incorporating a video in the mix. These include client testimonials, videos from the live events, how to videos, corporate training videos, explainer videos, and viral videos to name a few.

The Advantages of Video Marketing

The following are the advantages that you can get when you consider video marketing and make use of it:

  • A video is the “gold mine” for Search Engine Optimization. It may boost your search engine ranking, open rates, click-through rates and conversions. On the other hand, you need to reach your target customers and YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine next to Google. What is better: YouTube has been owned by Google, so it means a correctly tagged video could work wonders for your Search Engine Optimization.
  • A Video would increase your conversion rates. There was a recent research that revealed 57% of the online customers were more likely to purchase a product they were considering buying after watching the video demonstration of a product. You can use a video to create a presentation wherein all of the most important details about a product will be explained.
  • A video is instantly accessible. There are numerous platforms designed for video marketing. Broadcast TV, YouTube, video boards & street marketing – all of these are examples. The chances are endless and with a mobile phone, the customers will be able to access videos online anytime and anywhere. Similarly is not true with the conventional paper marketing. With video, you will be able to reach your audience wherever they’re in a cost-effective manner.
  • A video is efficient. Studies reveal that the retention rates for the information were seen & heard is as high as eighty percent. Those numbers go down to twenty percent for the information that was seen and simply 10 percent for the heard information. Combining audio and visual is powerful.
  • A video is emotional. The video will allow you to form a direct appeal to the emotional core of the person’s mind through music. With a video, you will be capable of attaching a face to the concept. The human connection over the video is more influential compared to reading facts and realities in text.

Steps and Tips in Developing Video Marketing

Developing a strong video marketing campaign is usually accomplished through conducting market research, obtaining target market insights, and competitive analysis. When you have this information and could shape your strategy, you will be able to determine the message. What do you like your target audience to hear from you, feel and see? What message are you attempting to convey? What about the call to action?
After making a strategy & developing your message, you must choose a production firm to give life to your vision. Definitely, anybody can whip out the Flip cam and make a brief video, yet the quality will always be a key. A carefully and excellently crafted video will be the “cream-of-the-crop” and would rise to the top of the greatest amounts of video accessible through the web these days.